Stealth Player 1.9

Stealth Player 1.9

Search, preview, download, and view porn faster and safer
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Search our database of pre-screened and categorized galleries. We've filtered out all the broken links, nasty redirects, and other tactics porn sites use to distract and annoy you. Our huge gallery database is updated daily and will always exceed your appetite.
Other reputable porn downloaders will indiscriminately download porn (and lots of it) to your computer. There are three problems with that:
- You may not like 75% of what's been downloaded.
- You'll have to wait for all that porn to download (most of which you may not like)!
- After all that, you?ll have a hard drive full of uncategorized porn!
Watching galleries with Stealth Player is awesome because Stealth Player automatically plays image galleries as a slide show AND joins video clip galleries into one long movie!
All the navigation controls for viewing can be accessed through easy to use shortcut keys. This means you?ll only need one hand for navigation! Yeah, we know what you want.
Oh crap! Your wife just got home early! This isn't problem with Stealth Player's panic button. Just hit the ESC key and Stealth Player will minimize to an icon in your system tray. You'll have enough time to meet your wife at the front door with a smile.
With Stealth Player, your porn browsing separate from your Internet browsing. Unlike other porn browsers, Stealth Player is not based on IE or FireFox. Not only does this keep your porn browsing history private, but it's also what makes Stealth Player bulletproof.
No one will ever know you're using Stealth Player! Just download and run the Stealth Player installer. You'll have the option of choosing one of three alias names for Stealth Player to install as. Even if someone does find it, a non-descript login form will prevent them from gaining access and knowing the true nature of the application.



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